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Finnish project to boost adoption of AI at SMEs

A Finnish project is seeking to unleash the wealth of potential arising from the underutilisation of AI by small and medium companies.

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Helsinki-based Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences has launched a project to promote the utilisation of artificial intelligence at small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

Called AI-TIE, the project seeks to establish an ecosystem that brings together various stakeholders – from companies small and large to universities and research organisations – to discover new forms of collaborating on innovating with artificial intelligence to both develop and deliver new products and services.

The participating companies will be encouraged especially to develop digital solutions that safeguard their businesses against the disruptions caused by extraordinary events such as the coronavirus pandemic and support their possible transition toward carbon neutrality.

Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences highlighted in a press release that small and medium enterprises boast a wealth of potential in regards to utilising artificial intelligence. European studies, it pointed out, suggest that while large corporations are readily taking advantage of the branch of computer science, their smaller counterparts have struggled with the adoption.

The main objective of the project is to unleash this untapped potential and support the growth of small and medium enterprises, especially in cleantech, and social, health care and wellbeing.

The others include promoting social and cultural sustainability through a wellbeing-focused accelerator, producing content and training regarding artificial intelligence for personnel, and improving the ability of consults and experts to communicate to businesses the possibilities presented by artificial intelligence.

The project is implemented by Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences and Laurea University of Applied Sciences. The former will contribute its expertise in entrepreneurship, business development and digitalisation, and the latter in co-development and innovation ecosystems.

The principal project partners are Finland’s Artificial Intelligence Accelerator (FAIA) and MyData Global.

By: Aleksi Teivainen