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Weekend Wrap

Illuminating design, violin vigour and fashion for a four-legged friend

Wake up and smell the weekend!


Design illuminates on the road, gaming cuts to the chase as films spread far and wide. Take a look at recent creativity from Finland.

C’est la vie for Elina Vähälä’s violin gone virtual. (Photo: Elina Vähälä) Read New Jersey Stage’s article

Natural light summoned from the artificial. (Photo: Facebook/Light Cognitive) Read HYPEBEAST’s story

Nordic Film Days vitalise the Finnish film scene. (Photo: Andres Teiss) Read Finnish Film Foundation’s story

Only the best Finnishness for newborn bambinos. (Photo: Reima) Read our story

Helsinki Art Museum sets off on a Japanese tour. (Photo: Tsutomu Miura/Tottori Prefectural Museum)

PAIKKA is a dog’s best friend. (Photo: PAIKKA) Read This Dog’s Life’s article

Samuli Saarinen aims for tension between content and form. (Photo: Samuli Saarinen) Read It’s Nice That’s story

META4 is Netherlands-bound in esteemed company. (Photo: Tero Ahonen) Read Music Finland’s article

Three men walk into a pub… (Photo: Yellow Affair) Read Screen Daily’s story

PAKO takes players on a high-speed pursuit. (Photo: Tree Men Games) Read Pocket Gamer’s story

By: Samuli Ojala