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WellO2 offers respite from respiratory problems

WellO2 opens up the user’s airways with warm vapour that makes its way into the respiratory system.


Finnish company Hapella is looking into possible solutions with healthcare professionals as to what its respiratory wellness device WellO2 could offer in tackling the COVID-19 challenge.

Disrupting supply chains and pushing the world economy into a downturn, the coronavirus pandemic has had and will continue to have side effects that influence our way of thinking about our lives and the world we live in.

“The coronavirus has raised awareness of respiratory health and lung issues,” said Tuomas Mattelmäki, sales director at Hapella. “The unfortunate fact, regardless of the virus, is that nine out of 10 people in the world breathe contaminated air every day, which causes a lot of breathing problems.”

“This is what we’ve been working to solve with WellO2 for a number of years.”

In addition to finding novel ways to tackle the outbreak, turning to existing solutions could prove central to the global response.

The device comes equipped with a nasal mask. Image: Wello2

“WellO2 wasn’t designed for the coronavirus, but we are looking into possible solutions with healthcare professionals as to what it could offer, for example, in recovery treatment,” revealed Mattelmäki.

Created by inventor Aulis Kärkkäinen to cope with his own respiratory challenges, WellO2 is based on a combination of resisted breathing and steam inhalation – both tried and tested therapy methods. The device clears mucus, mitigates irritation in airways and strengthens lungs.

It is most commonly used by persons with reduced lung capacity, snorers and the elderly. The users also include athletes and professional singers.

Adapt and overcome

Ushering in global demand for remote interaction, the coronavirus pandemic is having a notable effect on companies’ digital solutions.

“During these times, companies are forced to adapt quickly to changing circumstances,” told Mattelmäki. “Our processes have mostly been digital from the beginning, but the current situation has focused our efforts on providing the best e-commerce solutions possible, both for our retailers and consumers.”

The rapid digitalisation the world is currently facing is changing the behaviour not just of companies, but of consumers too.

“We’ve been forced into high gear with efforts that have been in the pipeline for some time,” said Mattelmäki. “We’ve begun organising webinars for our clients to educate consumers and retailers in using the device, as well as strengthening our customer service online.”

The learning experience is adding another layer of possibility for pooling and sharing in order to overcome.

“There’s certainly a window of opportunity here to collaborate on developing digital tools across industries,” concludes Mattelmäki.

Published on 02.04.2020