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Vilkas offers free e-commerce platform

Markku Korkiakoski has been at the helm of Vilkas since 2004.


Finnish e-commerce veteran Vilkas has begun offering companies pro bono webshop solutions to help them go digital during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Online shopping could prove to be a relief to brick-and-mortar businesses facing a sharp drop in customers. Not only does e-commerce offer instant sales, it also enables companies to join the rapid digital transformation forced upon societies by the pandemic.

Tampere-based Vilkas has announced a Save the Stores campaign to help struggling companies in Finland, Sweden and Norway to take their businesses online.

“We want to pitch in during these challenging times,” told Markku Korkiakoski, CEO of Vilkas. “That’s why we’re prepared to help thousands of new merchants to get online without expenses.”

During the campaign, companies can set up shop free of charge for up to six months to try get over the worst of the crisis. According to Korkiakoski, webshops can be set up in just a day if merchants have a clear idea of what they want.

“We’ve been working around the clock to offer the required resources,” said Korkiakoski. “Our extensive package includes an e-commerce platform, merchant support, integration for payment and logistics solutions, marketing tools, and anything you need to make it in e-commerce.”

Vilkas, established in 1995, is no stranger to keeping itself busy: its customer base currently encompasses 1 700 customers, which based on its webshop index have reported an average annual growth rate of 6.5 per cent.

By: Samuli Ojala